Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Regret-Free Parenting: Raise Good Kids and Know You're Doing It Right By: Catherine Hickem

Regret-Free Parenting: Raise Good Kids and Know You're Doing It Right, By: Catherine Hickem. I would recommend it for all parents but especially Christian Moms. Catherine Hickem's perspective and willingness to share her mistakes while lifting up God's promises and truths about intentional parenting and loving our children in a way that is easy to relate to and believe you can implement is powerful and motivating.

While I already understood that the learning part of being a Mom never ends, this book inspired me that even with a 15 and 12 year old there are things I could change or add to the way I parent that still could have a positive impact on my sons. Catherine Hickem has such a wise and real perspective on being a mom, how different each child is and how important it is to remember that you have to be intentional about being the "Keeper of the Vision" for them. She walks you through the different ages and stages and has a great section on finding peace during their teenage years. She does touch just lightly on the role of Dad's but if a Dad would take the time to read this book I think it would give him a much better view of why it takes both Mom and Dad's parenting and perspective and how important and valid both are in the life of their children. The review copy of this book was provided by booksneeze.com for my personal opinion.